Thursday, January 31, 2008

HeyJude and KerryJ in SL

I was looking around JoKaydia II the other night and came across a beautifully landscaped garden, and a huge beautifully furnished house. There was someone inside - her name was Pandora, I could see her through the window and desperately wanted to connect. I flew up to the dancefloor balcony and entered from upstairs, it was funny how intrusive I felt just dropping in like this. Soon enough I found out it was Kerry J. who I think may be part of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework and then HeyJude (Judy O'Connell) appeared too! It just shows you never know who you might meet and I was very pleased and excited to connect with them!

1 comment:

KerryJ said...

Hey Anna

You're welcome back to plot 13 any time - glad you dropped in!

I work for in podcasting, vodcasting and Collaborative Tools. Make sure to join the 2008 Networks community in edna Groups to network in with more educators.

Looking forward to more chats, sharing our learning journey and more dancing!

